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St. Louis, MO 

 In 2010, STIMSON was part of a multi-disciplinary design team in the international design competition: City, Arch, River: Framing a Modern Masterpiece. Sponsored by the City of St. Louis and the National Park Service, the competition sought to reinv

In 2010, STIMSON was part of a multi-disciplinary design team in the international design competition: City, Arch, River: Framing a Modern Masterpiece. Sponsored by the City of St. Louis and the National Park Service, the competition sought to reinvigorate the historic Arch grounds, and ambitiously integrate an expansive site across the Mississippi River in East St. Louis as part of the National Park. While the Arch grounds remain under the management of cultural landscape guidelines, the east parcel is a rich tapestry of active agri-industry, brownfields, and successional floodplain. As finalists in the competition, our design proposal offers a unique opportunity to celebrate the cultural history of the St. Louis region, while simultaneously restoring a rare and threatened ecosystem along the banks of the Mississippi River. This site has the opportunity to become a vibrant urban ecology Park, demonstrating the dynamic and productive interaction between natural processes and urban systems, and contributing to a legacy of great parks across the country.

Behnisch Architekten

Behnisch Architekten

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